How old is Zion Williamson?
Zion Williamson was born on 6 July 2000.
Zion Williamson is 24 years old.
How old is Zion Williamson in days now?
Zion Williamson is 24 years 8 months 1 day old.
Total 9,010 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Zion Williamson?
Zion Williamson's next birthday is in 3 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Zion Williamson?
Zodiac sign of Zion Williamson is Cancer.
A young and very promising basketball player, Zion Williamson is a player of New Orleans Pelicans and also one of the best young heavy forwards of today's NBA. He was born in 2000 in North Carolina, he spent his childhood in the city of Sailsbury, and as a child he was extremely sporty. He used to spend a lot of time playing basketball, soccer, and American football. In his teen ages he made his choice in favor of basketball and started his high school career in the Griffins of Spartanburg High School in South Carolina where he demonstrated some impressive results. One of the seasons in those times he finished with the average of 28.3 points a game, accompanied by 10.4 rebounds which is great for a high school bball player. During his high school time Zion became famous for his amazing slam dunks. In 2018 he was ranked among the top five players of his year, and a year later he was named the ACC Player of the Year. In 2019 Zion Williamson became a player of NO Pelicans and for the first two years of his career he received a lot of awards including the Wayman Tisdale Award. His recent average is 22.6 points a game and 8.9 rebounds. As of the mid 2023, he is expecting his first child with his girlfriend Ahkeema.