How old is YBN Nahmir?
YBN Nahmir was born on 18 December 1999.
YBN Nahmir is 25 years old.
How old is YBN Nahmir in days now?
YBN Nahmir is 25 years 3 months 8 days old.
Total 9,230 days old now.
When is the next birthday of YBN Nahmir?
YBN Nahmir's next birthday is in 8 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of YBN Nahmir?
Zodiac sign of YBN Nahmir is Sagittarius.
YBN Nahmir is a rapper and a songwriter known for a few hits of his. Born Nicholas Simmons in 1999 in Alabama, he grew up in a very crowded family, alongside his brothers and numerous cousins. When Nick was 14, he was presented an Xbox 360 and began playing the game about a rock band. That's how his love for music started. He began listening to plenty of rap and hip hop music like the one of "Sob x Rbe", and finally decided to pursue a career in music. Currently, he is one of the leaders of a rapping gang "YBN" and together with the collective he has released 3 mixtapes. Two solo singles of YBN Nahmir "Rubbin Off the Paint" and "Bounce Out With That" have managed to reach Billboard charts.