How old is William Zabka?

William Zabka was born on 20 October 1965.
William Zabka is 59 years old.

How old is William Zabka in days now?

William Zabka is 59 years 5 months 6 days old.
Total 21,707 days old now.

When is the next birthday of William Zabka?

William Zabka's next birthday is in 6 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of William Zabka?

Zodiac sign of William Zabka is Libra.

An American actor and screenwriter, William Zabka is known to us as Johnny Lawrence from The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. Born in 1965 in NYC, he was raised by his parents of Czech descent and grew up alongside his two siblings. His father had to do with cinema art and was a production manager for a few movies including the ones with Chuck Norris, so Will dreamed about a career in acting since his very early age but also he was quite interested in wrestling. He landed one of the most known roles of his at the age of 19, in 1985 when he appeared in The Karate Kid. He had some special training in karate for this role. Later on he participated in producing some comedies like Just One of the Guys and Back to School followed to taking part in some TV series. For the latter two decades he got involved in producing and taking part in some independent cinema movies, and then in the early 2000s he did some great work when writing and producing the movie Most (The Bridge in Czech) which brought William an Academy Award nomination. In 2018 he started appearing in a cult Netflix TV series Cobra Kai which made him known among the younger generation viewers. William Zabka is married and has two children.

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