How old is Verne Troyer?
Verne Troyer was born on 1 January 1969. Verne Troyer died on 21 April 2018 at the age of 49 years.
What was the exact age of Verne Troyer?
Verne Troyer's exact age was 49 years 3 months 20 days old. Verne Troyer lived for total 18,007 days.
What would be the age of Verne Troyer if alive?
Verne Troyer's exact age would be 56 years 1 month 21 days old if alive. Total 20,506 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Verne Troyer?
Zodiac sign of Verne Troyer is Capricorn.
Verne Troyer was an actor and comedian famous for his roles in a few movie series like Austin Powers, Men in Black, etc. Verne was born in 1969 in Michigan and grew up in a family of the parents and their three children. Though it became apparent in his childhood that Troyer had a serious disease cartilage-hair hypoplasia (dwarfism), he was treated by his parents and siblings as a normal person. He used to help on the farm and in the household just like his siblings. After finishing high school, Verne started having various kinds of jobs until the mid-1990s, when he first received an invitation to act in the movie Baby's Day Out as a stunt. After a few projects where he took part as a stunt double, Troyer appeared in the first movie of the series Men In Black followed by the movie My Giant which made the young actor famous. In 1999 Verne was invited to join the cast for Austin Powers (alongside Mike Myers) where he portrayed the character of Mini-Me. It was a great success! Finally, in 2001 he appeared in one of the Harry Potter movies and became famous on the international level. During the late 2000s and 2010s, Verne Troyer took part in several comedy movies. In spring 2018 he was founded dead in his house, possible after alcohol abuse. He is remembered by the fans of the mentioned movies.