How old is Vanessa Morgan?

Vanessa Morgan was born on 23 March 1992.
Vanessa Morgan is 32 years old.

How old is Vanessa Morgan in days now?

Vanessa Morgan is 32 years 1 month 27 days old.
Total 11,746 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Vanessa Morgan?

Vanessa Morgan's next birthday is in 10 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Vanessa Morgan?

Zodiac sign of Vanessa Morgan is Aries.

Vanessa Morgan is a TV actress known for her roles in a few popular TV series. Born in 1992 in Canada, she grew up in Ottawa alongside her parents and her sister. She started singing when she was 6 years old and in her early teen ages Vanessa took part in a number of local TV projects. In the late 1990s she was spotted by Hollywood acting scouts and offered a scholarship to study acting which he accepted gladly. He professional career started in the early 2000s when Morgan appeared in a TV film, and it continued later in the decade when she participated in a TV series named The Latest Buzz followed by The Babysitter's Vampire. Vanessa became one of the popular actresses of Disney channel and appeared in many other shows. Her later successes included her roles in Riverdale, A.N.T. Farm and Finding Carter. Vanessa Morgan is married to a baseball player Michael Kopech and in the early 2021 they welcomed a lovely son.

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