How old is Uma Thurman?
Uma Thurman was born on 29 April 1970.
Uma Thurman is 54 years old.
How old is Uma Thurman in days now?
Uma Thurman is 54 years 10 months 8 days old.
Total 20,038 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Uma Thurman?
Uma Thurman's next birthday is in 1 month 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Uma Thurman?
Zodiac sign of Uma Thurman is Taurus.
Uma Thurman is a famous American actress and former model, who is known for her successful performances in a variety of genres. She was born as Uma Karuna Thurman to a family of an academic and a fashion model. She started her career as a model when she was 15, and in the late 1980s, she appeared on the cover of Vogue, Glamour, and other fashion magazines. In 1988 she got a supporting role in the movie Dangerous Liaisons, where she played alongside John Malkovich, Michelle Pfeiffer, and young Keanu Reeves. During 1990s Thurman took part in a large number of movies like Henry & June, Final Analysis (with Richard Gere and Kim Basinger), Beautiful Girls, and finally Pulp Fiction of Quentin Tarantino, with John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson. The collaboration of Thurman and Tarantino became lasting, with few more movies like Kill Bill series, etc. Other notable works of Thurman include Batman & Robin (with Arnold Schwarzenegger), Hysterical Blindness, Les Miserables (with Liam Neeson), Paycheck (with Ben Affleck), Prime, The Accidental Husband, Motherhood, Playing for Keeps, etc. Uma Thurman is considered one of the most beautiful actresses of Hollywood, she was married to Gary Oldman, Ethan Hawke, as well as a French businessman Arpad Busson.