How old is Trixie Mattel?

Trixie Mattel was born on 23 August 1989.
Trixie Mattel is 35 years old.

How old is Trixie Mattel in days now?

Trixie Mattel is 35 years 7 months 6 days old.
Total 13,002 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Trixie Mattel?

Trixie Mattel's next birthday is in 4 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Trixie Mattel?

Zodiac sign of Trixie Mattel is Virgo.

Trixie Mattel is a famous British drag-queen and a TV star who rose to fame for his participation in a show named RuPauls Drag Race. Born Brian Markus Firkus in 1989 in Wisconsin, he spent his early years in Milwaukee to the family with clear indigenous origins. He had quite a difficult childhood and suffered from his abusive father who had given him the name Trixie which later on became his show name. He studied musical theater at university and started his career by performing in various grad shows in some local theaters in Milwaukee. In the mid 2010s she started appearing in some TV shows like RuPauls Drag Race followed by its numerous spin offs, The Trixie and Katya Show, Super Drags, Queen of the Universe (as a judge), The Pit Stop, I Like To Watch, etc. Trixie Mattel is also a successful singer and he recorded 4 studio albums which he usually supports with plenty of tours. Trixie is very much loved by her fans.

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