How old is Trinitee Stokes?

Trinitee Stokes was born on 12 April 2006.
Trinitee Stokes is 18 years old.

How old is Trinitee Stokes in days now?

Trinitee Stokes is 18 years 10 months 26 days old.
Total 6,907 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Trinitee Stokes?

Trinitee Stokes's next birthday is in 1 month 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Trinitee Stokes?

Zodiac sign of Trinitee Stokes is Aries.

Trinitee Stokes is a wonderful and talented young TV actress who is famous for her role in a few TV series produced by Disney Studios. Born in 2006 in Mississippi, she grew up alongside her parents and has been displaying her amazing talents for acting since she was 3. As a young child Trinitee appeared in a large number of commercials and adverts like the ones of food, fast food restaurants, and many others. Her parents are very supportive of her desire to become a professional actress, so the family moved to California to increase the chances of Trinitee to obtain new interesting roles. Her cinema debut took place in 2013 when Stokes appeared in two films and her first TV show. In 2015 Trinitee Stokes was invited to join the cast of a Disney TV series K.C. Undercover where she portrayed one of the main characters, Judy Cooper. Stokes is also trying herself in singing and released a few singles in different styles like gospel, pop, etc.

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