How old is Tove Lo?
Tove Lo was born on 29 October 1987.
Tove Lo is 37 years old.
How old is Tove Lo in days now?
Tove Lo is 37 years 5 months 2 days old.
Total 13,668 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tove Lo?
Tove Lo's next birthday is in 6 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tove Lo?
Zodiac sign of Tove Lo is Scorpio.
Known as Tove Lo, Ebba Tove Elsa Nilsson is a singer and songwriter, who became famous in Europe and the US as "The Darkest Queen of Pop from Sweden". She was born in 1987 in a neighborhood of Stockholm and started her career by playing in clubs and bars of the capital city with her band, Tremblebee. Soon, the band split and Lo decided to continue working with other Swedish musicians as a songwriter, which has turned out to be a very successful field. In the early 2010s, she resumed singing and released her first solo album, The Queen of the Clouds, which was noticed in the US and raised to the 14th line in the US Billboard charts. Two following solo albums of Lo demonstrated her musical development and the heavy influence of grunge in her style. As a songwriter and a performer, Tove Lo has collaborated with Katy Perry, Maroon 5, Coldplay, Alesso, and many other singers.