How old is Tony Todd?

Tony Todd was born on 4 December 1954. Tony Todd died on 6 November 2024 at the age of 69 years.

What was the exact age of Tony Todd?

Tony Todd's exact age was 69 years 11 months 2 days old. Tony Todd lived for total 25,540 days.

What would be the age of Tony Todd if alive?

Tony Todd's exact age would be 70 years 3 months 3 days old if alive. Total 25,661 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tony Todd?

Zodiac sign of Tony Todd is Sagittarius.

Tony Todd was a famous talented Amerıcan actor who wıll be remembered as William Bludworth from Final Destination or the Candyman. He came into this world in 1954 in Washington DC and spent his early years in Connecticut, alongside his parents and two siblings. He has loved acting and theater since his early years and after finishing school he studied drama at the University of Connecticut. He started his professional path on stages of some local theaters, at the same time taking some more courses on drama. He debuted as a cinema actor in 1986 in the movie Sleepwalk followed by a role in a movie by Oliver Stone Platoon, and hos most notable roles in the movies include the ones in Night of the Living Dead, The Rock, Wishmaster, Heart of the Beholder, Hatchet, The Man From Earth, Frenkenstein, Hell Fest, and many others. As a TV actor, Todd is known to the general public for his roles in Star Trek series (as Kurn) or Sream. He contributed greatly in producing some animated TV series like Half Life, Transformers: The Fallen, The Flash, Young Justice, Be Cool, and Masters of the Universe: Revelation. In 2023 he took part in voicing some characters for a computer game Spiderman 2, and received a nomination for the British Academy Games Award. Tony Todd passed away in November 2024, a few weeks before he would turn 70.

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