How old is Tony Bellew?

Tony Bellew was born on 30 November 1982.
Tony Bellew is 42 years old.

How old is Tony Bellew in days now?

Tony Bellew is 42 years 4 months 1 day old.
Total 15,462 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tony Bellew?

Tony Bellew's next birthday is in 7 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tony Bellew?

Zodiac sign of Tony Bellew is Sagittarius.

Tony Bellew is a British professional boxer who won a number of titles and took part in many professional and other types of competitions. He came to this world in 1982 in Liverpool where he started training and preparing himself to becoming a professional sportsman. In the early 2000s he became a part of Rotunda ABC team and won a few ABA titles as an amateur boxer. His debut as a professional boxer took place in 2007 when he joined his first professional event against Jame Amber. Later in the decade he had plenty of really successful fights which often he won without letting his opponent to win any point. In the early 2010s he managed to win a few titles as a light-heavyweight champion, including the Commonwealth Light-Heavyweight Championship and the WBO Light-Heavyweight title. In 2016 he continued as a heavyweight boxer and had a few striking fights. In 2018, after defeat from a Ukrainian boxer Oleksandr Usyk, Tony Bellew announced his retirement. For his career, he won over 30 high titles, and took part in plenty of social project related to boxing. He is married and has been a huge fan of Everton soccer team for many years.

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