How old is Tiger Woods?
Tiger Woods was born on 30 December 1975.
Tiger Woods is 49 years old.
How old is Tiger Woods in days now?
Tiger Woods is 49 years 2 months 5 days old.
Total 17,965 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tiger Woods?
Tiger Woods's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tiger Woods?
Zodiac sign of Tiger Woods is Capricorn.
Tiger Woods is a winner of a huge number of various golf tournaments, the first of which he won when he was only 5 years old. Eldrick Tont Woods was born in 1975 in California, and he is of American, African American, Thai, Indian, and even Chinese origin. He started training as a future golf star since he was 2 years old, under the supervision of his father and, further, his school and college coaches. Woods started his professional career when he was 20, and in 1997 he managed to reach the top line in the ranking of the World's Top golf players. Woods was the one to win the 2000 World Open which brought him worldwide recognition and good money as a prize. He kept on developing his career and winning the most prestigious tournaments until 2004 when he got focused on his relationship with his fiancee, Elin Nordegren. They got married in 2004 and she became the mother of his two children. He returned back on international golf stage in late 2005 and continued his triumphal walk. He has broken a large number of records including remaining on the first line as the best golf player in the world for 683 weeks, as the winner of 14 major golf tournaments, as the youngest winner of the World's Golf Championship, and many many more. He holds 17 Guinness Book Records. Since 2009 his career has been slightly on a decline, caused primarily by divorce with his wife Elin and by an increasing number of injuries the Woods suffered. After a back surgery which he underwent in 2014, it was hardly possible for him to achieve a good form again. Woods is considered to be one of the richest sportsmen in America, with the total wealth estimated to be close to 740 million dollars. He spends a great portion of his prize money on charity.