How old is Tayler Holder?
Tayler Holder was born on 19 August 1997.
Tayler Holder is 27 years old.
How old is Tayler Holder in days now?
Tayler Holder is 27 years 7 months 7 days old.
Total 10,081 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tayler Holder?
Tayler Holder's next birthday is in 4 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tayler Holder?
Zodiac sign of Tayler Holder is Leo.
Tayler Holder is a popular Instagram and YouTube star, actor, model, and singer, known for his interesting contents and vlogs. Born in 1997 in Texas, he grew up there alongside his brother and his beloved Pomeranian dog. In his childhood, Tayler was a fan of gaming, and for many many years, he's been keen on motorbike racing. Holder opened his fist social media accounts in the mid-2010s and began posting photos and videos about his life and the life of his family. When he was 18, he moved to California in order to pursue a career of a model or an online celebrity. His life is a very interesting journey, Tayler travels a lot and gets engaged in a variety of activities, that is why his fans adore watching his new videos about his new activities. In 2018, he released his first single "Fallback", as well as started taking part in an online TV series Dirt, opposite other media stars like Hunter Rowland, Carson Lueders, and others. Tyler Holder also collaborates with other YouTubers like Ayla Woodruff, Lena Mantler, Lisa Mantler, Bryce Hall, and so on. He started dating Kaylyn Selvin in the early 2019 and proposed to her in the summer of the same year. As of the mid 2024, there are over 5 million fans on his Instagram account.
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