How old is Talia Jackson?
Talia Jackson was born on 28 August 2001.
Talia Jackson is 23 years old.
How old is Talia Jackson in days now?
Talia Jackson is 23 years 6 months 11 days old.
Total 8,596 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Talia Jackson?
Talia Jackson's next birthday is in 5 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Talia Jackson?
Zodiac sign of Talia Jackson is Virgo.
Talia Jackson is a talented actress and a lovely young lady who has been in the business since she was 7 years old. She was born in 2001 in Wisconsin, to the family of Trent Jackson, a basketball player, and Kelly Jackson, a model, she grew up in the city of Madison, alongside her brother and friends. In the late 2000s her mom began getting involved in various acting projects, and she noticed that her daughters also have great talent to acting, so in the early 2010s the family moved to Santa Barbara where the girls have got a chance to attend plenty of auditions for various TV and cinema projects. Closer to the middle of the decade Talia finally got some serious roles in a number of Disney programs, as well as took part in music videos of some famous singers like Andrea Bocelli, etc. Finally, in the late 2010s she began collaborating with NETFLIX channel and took part in shooting a TV series named Family Reunion. Talia Jackson is a beautiful young actress. She is popular on Instagram where the number of her followers is close to a half million people (as of the mid 2024).