How old is Steven Fernandez?

Steven Fernandez was born on 27 February 2000.
Steven Fernandez is 25 years old.

How old is Steven Fernandez in days now?

Steven Fernandez is 25 years 1 month 4 days old.
Total 9,164 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Steven Fernandez?

Steven Fernandez's next birthday is in 10 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Steven Fernandez?

Zodiac sign of Steven Fernandez is Pisces.

Steven Fernandez is a professional skateboarder and a social media star. Born in 2000 in California, Steve grew up in quite a large family, alongside his four siblings and parents. Since his early childhood, he has been enjoying two things, skateboarding and making videos. He had a chance to train as a skateboarder on the streets of sunny California and spending time in social media helped him to develop as a social media personality. The peak of the social media success of Fernandez was the middle of the 2010s when he started his YouTube channel and got his managers who helped him to promote himself. Fernandez appeared in a few movies and took part in numerous live projects related to skating. He has got a lot of friends related to his social media activities and healthy lifestyle projects. Steven Fernandez has his clothing line and is a very active social media star.

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