How old is Stella Wallace?

Stella Wallace was born on 5 November 2014.
Stella Wallace is 10 years old.

How old is Stella Wallace in days now?

Stella Wallace is 10 years 4 months 9 days old.
Total 3,782 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Stella Wallace?

Stella Wallace's next birthday is in 7 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Stella Wallace?

Zodiac sign of Stella Wallace is Scorpio.

Stella Wallace is a YouTube superstar wearing braces and the main person who appears in the content of her personal channel titled The Stella Show. She came to this world in 2014 and is being raised by her parents James and Erica, two other important people behind the channel, as well as her brother named Jefferson. The channel was launched in 2019 and it turned out to be of a great success, with personal charisma and cuteness of Stella, together with great effort and creativity of her parents. There is a great deal of various toy and game reviews, skits and choreography, some children's series and movie references, and a lot of such stuff. Currently (December 2024) there are over 5 million people following the channel, with plenty of those being young platform users. Stella Wallace appears in front of her viewers as a smart and really talented YouTuber, with some great perspectives to become a very big star and social influencer.

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