How old is Sophie Marceau?

Sophie Marceau was born on 17 November 1966.
Sophie Marceau is 58 years old.

How old is Sophie Marceau in days now?

Sophie Marceau is 58 years 4 months 14 days old.
Total 21,319 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sophie Marceau?

Sophie Marceau's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sophie Marceau?

Zodiac sign of Sophie Marceau is Scorpio.

Sophie Marceau (Sophie Danièle Sylvie Maupu) is a gorgeous and charming French actress, writer, and director, born in 1966 in Paris. She became famous as a teenage actor in two French movies for teenagers, La Boum and La Boum 2, which brought the young talented girl the award as the most promising actress in France. In 1984, she starred in the movie Fort Saganne with Catherine Deneuve and Gerard Depardieu, followed by a number of movies by French filmmakers like L'Étudiante, Chouans!, and others. In the 1990s, Marceau performed in such movies as Pacific Palisades, Braveheart (alongside Mel Gibson), Firelight, Anna Karenina (with Sean Bean), and, finally, James Bond: The World Is Not Enough. Sophie was married to a brilliant Polish movies director Andjei Zulavski, with whom she has a son, and to a producer Jim Lemley, with whom she has a daughter. Later on, Sophie Marceau had a relationship with a famous American actor Christopher Lambert, but in 2017 they broke up. Later on she dated a cult French chef Cyril Lignac.

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