How old is Song Kang?
Song Kang was born on 23 April 1994.
Song Kang is 30 years old.
How old is Song Kang in days now?
Song Kang is 30 years 11 months 6 days old.
Total 11,298 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Song Kang?
Song Kang's next birthday is in 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Song Kang?
Zodiac sign of Song Kang is Taurus.
Song Kang is an outstanding Korean TV actor who has been building his career both in his home country and on the international level. born in 1994 in Suwon, he studied Drama and Acting at the Konkuk University. His screen debut took place in 2017 when he appeared in a melodrama When A Devil Calls Your Name. Next stage in his career was a melodrama by Netflix Love Alarm where he played one of the three lead roles. In the early 2020s he continued collaborating with Netflix and joined the cast of a horror web series Sweet Home followed by his great performances in the series Nevertheless, Navillera, and some others. He tried himself in hosting and appeared in some other South Korean series like Forecasting Love and Weather. Song Kang is one of the most popular and internationally known actor from South Korea, and he is considered to be a Son of Netflix.