How old is Sloane Alex?

Sloane Alex was born on 30 December 2007.
Sloane Alex is 17 years old.

How old is Sloane Alex in days now?

Sloane Alex is 17 years 2 months 7 days old.
Total 6,279 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sloane Alex?

Sloane Alex's next birthday is in 9 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sloane Alex?

Zodiac sign of Sloane Alex is Capricorn.

Sloanne Alex is an extremely cute and lovely teenage TikTok star who was recently crowned as young Miss Texas and has been offering some outstanding content focused on fashion, personal style, comedy videos, choreography, music, and plenty of other entertaining stuff. She was born and raised in Texas, alongside her family who have always been supporting of her success on social media platforms. Due to her amazing cuteness as a child, Sloanne would take part in numerous pageant contests and sometimes win prizes. She became active on TikTok in the early 2020s and most of her early content was focused on experimenting with her look, trying different kinds of hairstyles and clothes, involving her friends in making videos, and such. Her most recent content is a mixture of all stuff interesting for a modern girl in her late teen ages. For the moment (Feb. 2025) Sloanne Alex has managed to attract over 1.8 million subscribers and doesn't seem to be ready to slow down.

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