How old is Sizl?

Sizl was born on 31 July 2002.
Sizl is 22 years old.

How old is Sizl in days now?

Sizl is 22 years 7 months 25 days old.
Total 8,276 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sizl?

Sizl's next birthday is in 4 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sizl?

Zodiac sign of Sizl is Leo.

A Canadian YouTube star, Sizl has been a fan of Fortnite games since he was a young teenager. Born Joe Sizl in 2002 in Canada, he joined the gamers' community when he was 16 years old but already experienced gamer. His very first videos included the pieces of his gaming sessions and cool chatting with his buddies while playing. Later on he decided to offer more of edited videos based on some themes of the game, as well as plenty of stuff directed on pranking or making fun of hackers. One of the best of his videos dated by 2021 has had over 1 million views so far, and the number of the fans on his channel is approaching one million people, as of the mid of 2024. Sizl is a good friend of the guys from FaZe Clan and often produces collaborative videos with some of them.

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