How old is SilkyTheDon?
SilkyTheDon was born on 21 October 1997.
SilkyTheDon is 27 years old.
How old is SilkyTheDon in days now?
SilkyTheDon is 27 years 5 months 7 days old.
Total 10,020 days old now.
When is the next birthday of SilkyTheDon?
SilkyTheDon's next birthday is in 6 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of SilkyTheDon?
Zodiac sign of SilkyTheDon is Libra.
SilkyTheDon is a Twitch superstar known for his gaming and GTA related streams. He was born Jerry Woo in 1997 in the USA and spent his early years in New York City. He has been a huge fan of GTA type games since his very early years, and he plays a lot together with the team of his friends. He made up his mind to stream their games on Twitch in 2020 and opened his personal account for that. His very first videos presented some clips from GTA V game and were followed by some great streams filled with excellent tips and fun. Later on he opened his Instagram account where everyone can find his personal photos as well as some photos with great cars and car related stuff. During the years of his being a Twitch star, SilkyTheDon made a great deal of friends among his fellow gamers like SnaggyMo. As of December 2024, there are about two thirds of a million of people following his Twitch channel.
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