How old is Sia?

Sia was born on 18 December 1975.
Sia is 49 years old.

How old is Sia in days now?

Sia is 49 years 3 months 13 days old.
Total 18,001 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sia?

Sia's next birthday is in 8 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sia?

Zodiac sign of Sia is Sagittarius.

Sia (her full name is Sia Kate Isobelle Furler) is an Australian singer and songwriter who gained her popularity with her unique singing style and image. Born in 1975 in Australia, she is a big fan of Aretha Franklin and started her musical career singing jazz in bars and clubs of the city. After releasing her first studio album moved to the UK, where she was discovered by a local DJ and signed up with Sony Music in the year 2000. With this company, she recorded two more albums, which proved Sia's being, not a mainstream but very powerful and confident artist. Then, she moved to the US where she released the next two solo albums and supported her new songs with plenty of extensive tours around the country. The American lifestyle was a good fit for her, and it's where she released her best singles "Cheap Thrills" which she collaborated with Sean Paul, Chandelier, Elastic Heart (in its video Shia LaBeouf took place along with Maddie Ziegler) and others. Since the 2010s she is more of a pop singer, and her album 1000 Forms of Fear raised Number 1 in Billboard Top 100 albums. Sia is a winner of a few awards including MTV and ARIA awards.

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