How old is Saoirse Ronan?
Saoirse Ronan was born on 12 April 1994.
Saoirse Ronan is 30 years old.
How old is Saoirse Ronan in days now?
Saoirse Ronan is 30 years 11 months 17 days old.
Total 11,309 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Saoirse Ronan?
Saoirse Ronan's next birthday is in 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Saoirse Ronan?
Zodiac sign of Saoirse Ronan is Aries.
Saoirse Ronan is a lovely actress of Irish origins who is famous for her roles in some movies focused mainly on history. Born in 1994 in New York City, to the parents of American and Irish origins, she grew up in the Bronx and was home schooled. She was discovered and started her professional career in the mid 2000s, when she was a child, by taking part in filming some TV series like The Clinic or Proof. In 2007 she appeared in the movies I Could Never Be Your Woman and Atonement (with Keira Knightly) which became a great start to her future success as an actress. During the net decade Ronan appeared in a number of great movies like Hanna, The Great Budapest Hotel, Brooklyn (which brought her a nomination for the Academy Award), Loving Vincent, Lady Bird (which brought her the Golden Globe Award), Little Women, and others. Saoirse Ronan often appears on Broadway stage in the most popular plays and musicals. She is a passionate social activist who supports organizations focusing on raising public awareness as to domestic violence, homelessness, abortions, etc.