How old is Sam Holland?

Sam Holland was born on 14 February 1999.
Sam Holland is 26 years old.

How old is Sam Holland in days now?

Sam Holland is 26 years 1 month old.
Total 9,525 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sam Holland?

Sam Holland's next birthday is in 11 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Sam Holland?

Zodiac sign of Sam Holland is Aquarius.

Sam Holland is a young actor and an Instagram star known also as a younger brother of Tom Holland who portrayed Spider-Man in a few latest Marvel movies. Sam was born in 1999 in one of the neighborhoods of London and was raised by his parents, Dominic and Nicola Holland, who had to do with acting and performing. He has a twin brother named Harry Holland, a star brother Tom and one more brother Paddy Holland. Tom started acting as a young boy, and so tried Sam and Harry. As teenagers, they appeared in a movie The Impossible where they played alongside Tom and some other stars like Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts. Later on they continued appearing in some other movies and playing mainly some small roles. Lately, Sam Holland hasn't been seen much among other actors, but he is an active user of Instagram where he posts pictures of his family and his star brother for sure. As of the early 2025, there are almost 1.1 million followers there.

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