How old is Sage Guillen?

Sage Guillen was born on 10 April 2001.
Sage Guillen is 23 years old.

How old is Sage Guillen in days now?

Sage Guillen is 23 years 10 months 22 days old.
Total 8,729 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sage Guillen?

Sage Guillen's next birthday is in 1 month 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sage Guillen?

Zodiac sign of Sage Guillen is Aries.

Sage Guillen is a charismatic TikTok content creator who is known and loved by his fans for his look and creativity. Born in 2001 in the US, he grew up alongside his family and his pet dog who sometimes appears in his videos. Sage began getting interested in social media platforms as a young teenager, and in the late 2010s he launched his Instagram account followed by his TikTok channel which went live in 2021. The idea was to make a share various funny and entertaining videos which he loved making together with his friends. Then he found a very interesting trick that he has been using ever since, which is a text-on-screen effect, and it is a great idea to make the message that he tries to send to the viewers clearer. He is often very good at lip syncing and a great deal of his videos became viral. There are currently (as of March of 2024) about a quarter of a million followers on his channel which is an impressive number. Sage Guillen takes part in making podcasts known as Suburb Talks and it is becoming more and more popular.

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