How old is Russell Tovey?
Russell Tovey was born on 14 November 1981.
Russell Tovey is 43 years old.
How old is Russell Tovey in days now?
Russell Tovey is 43 years 3 months 26 days old.
Total 15,824 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Russell Tovey?
Russell Tovey's next birthday is in 8 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Russell Tovey?
Zodiac sign of Russell Tovey is Scorpio.
A British actor Russell Tovey is known for his role in Being Human, as well as other BBC TV series. He was born and grew up in Essex. As a child, he used to be very much interested in history, archaeology and was dreaming to be a history teacher. However, in the early 1990s after watching the movie Dead Poet Society with Robin Williams, Russel fell in love with acting and decided to try himself as an actor. After only a few auditions, in 1992 he managed to obtain his first role in a small commercial on a local TV. Two years later he appeared in children's TV series Mud, thus starting his TV career. The most serious roles of Russell on TV include the ones in Him& Her, Doctor Who Confidential, The Dog Rescuers, The Job Lot, Looking, Banished, and of course Being Human. There are a few great cinema performances delivered by Russell Tovey, including the ones in the movie Tower Block, Stick Man, The Pass, Mindhorn, and others. He is also a theater actor who often appears on the stage of various theaters in London.