How old is Russell Crowe?

Russell Crowe was born on 7 April 1964.
Russell Crowe is 60 years old.

How old is Russell Crowe in days now?

Russell Crowe is 60 years 11 months 21 days old.
Total 22,270 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Russell Crowe?

Russell Crowe's next birthday is in 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Russell Crowe?

Zodiac sign of Russell Crowe is Aries.

Russell Crowe is a famous actor and producer born in New Zealand in 1964. He grew up in a family where many members were employed in various projects to the cinema and show business, thus the boy started demonstrating his talents since he was 4 years old, when his family moved to Sydney. There, the young actor appeared in some TV projects, including quite a famous TV show of those times, The Young Doctors. However, when Russell was 14, he returned back to New Zealand and focused on playing in a school band dreaming about developing his career as a musician. After finishing high school, he had to work in cafes and restaurants to make the ends meet. When Russell was 19 years old, he was offered a role in The Rocky Horror Show, in addition to occasional roles in local musicals and street shows. His first serious role was offered him in 1990, in the movie Prisoners of the Sun, followed by The Crossing and a successful role in the movie Proof, which brought Crowe an Award of Australian Cinema Institute. In 1995, he was invited by Sharon Stone to appear in the movie The Quick and The Dead, followed by the main role in the movie LA Confidential. 1999 marked one more great success, with the brilliant performance of Crowe in the film The Insider, where he starred with Al Pachino. Certainly, the most famous and brilliant performance the actor demonstrated was in The Gladiator, which brought him an Academy Award, followed by the movie Beautiful Mind which brought Crowe a Golden Globe award. Russell Crowe loves Australia and considers it to be his home, where he has a few farms. He was married to Danielle Spencer and has 2 sons.

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