How old is River Phoenix?
River Phoenix was born on 23 August 1970. River Phoenix died on 31 October 1993 at the age of 23 years.
What was the exact age of River Phoenix?
River Phoenix's exact age was 23 years 2 months 8 days old. River Phoenix lived for total 8,470 days.
What would be the age of River Phoenix if alive?
River Phoenix's exact age would be 54 years 5 months 30 days old if alive. Total 19,907 days.
What is the zodiac sign of River Phoenix?
Zodiac sign of River Phoenix is Virgo.
River Phoenix was a talented actor and musician, as well as a social and animal rights activist. He was born in 1970 in Oregon and spent his early years in a traveling family, alongside his parents and four siblings. River did not attend any public school but had quite serious talents for music and playing the guitar. As a child, he appeared in some commercials and adverts. When River was 12 years old, he started appearing on TV in a few projects like Celebrity miniseries or Surviving A Family Crisis TV film. In cinema, Phoenix can be seen in such movies like Stand By Me, Little Nikita, Indiana Jones And the Last Crusade by Steven Spielberg (alongside Sean Connery and Harrison Ford), I Love You To Death, Running On Empty, My Own Private Idaho, The Thing Called Love, Silent Tongue, and others. River Phenix used to be a good friend of Keanu Reeves whom he often shared the filming spot with. Phoenix received quite a good number of awards and award nominations for his cinema work. He died in October of 1993, at the age of 23...