How old is Rio Ferdinand?

Rio Ferdinand was born on 7 November 1978.
Rio Ferdinand is 46 years old.

How old is Rio Ferdinand in days now?

Rio Ferdinand is 46 years 4 months 21 days old.
Total 16,943 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Rio Ferdinand?

Rio Ferdinand's next birthday is in 7 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Rio Ferdinand?

Zodiac sign of Rio Ferdinand is Scorpio.

Rio Ferdinand is a notable British soccer player who played as a center back for Manchester United and British National Team. He was born in 1978 in Camberwell in a large family, many members of which have to do with sports: his brother and his cousins are soccer players too. Rio played soccer since his early ages and started his career in the West Ham Youth team, the team where his Premier League debut took place when Rio was 19 years old. His spectacular playing style has got a lot of fans, and Rio shortly became one of the most favorite players of the team supporters. In the late 1990s, he became the youngest player of the British national team to play in an international competition. In 2002 he joined Manchester United and spent 11 seasons with that team helping it to win 6 champion titles and take part in international competitions on a proper level. He played for the national team over 80 times and a few times was selected a member of the FIFA World Cup teams. Rio Ferdinand is considered to be one of the most valuable and most awarded soccer players of the UK of all times. He retired from soccer in May 2015 which was the hardest period in his life, when he lost his young wife Rebecca who died at the age of 34 of breast cancer. In order to cope with the loss, Rio decided to try himself in boxing. He is the father of three children, an author of a number of books, and a frequent participant of various TV programs, often beyond soccer.

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