How old is Richie McCaw?

Richie McCaw was born on 31 December 1980.
Richie McCaw is 44 years old.

How old is Richie McCaw in days now?

Richie McCaw is 44 years 2 months 26 days old.
Total 16,159 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Richie McCaw?

Richie McCaw's next birthday is in 9 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Richie McCaw?

Zodiac sign of Richie McCaw is Capricorn.

Richie McCaw is a charismatic rugby player from New Zealand who is considered to be one of the best players in the country and one of the best openside flankers of all times. Born in 1980 in Oamaru, he grew up in the family of immigrants from Scotland, alongside his elder sister. As a child, Richie loved paragliding and started playing rugby only as a 14 year old. He studied at Lincoln University and in 1999 he was selected to join a NZ Junior National team where he achieved his first success on international level. In 2000 he started his professional career in Canterbury and a year later joined the Crusaders where he spent 14 seasons. In 2004 he became the captain of the national team and lead the team to two World Cup victories. He was named the best rugby player of the 2010s and also made a number of records as a player. In 2015 he retired from professional rugby and started dedicating himself to some charity projects, as well as spending time practicing paragliding which has been his ling time hobby. Richie McCaw is married and has two daughters.

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