How old is Richard Gadd?
Richard Gadd was born on 11 May 1990.
Richard Gadd is 34 years old.
How old is Richard Gadd in days now?
Richard Gadd is 34 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 12,741 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Richard Gadd?
Richard Gadd's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Richard Gadd?
Zodiac sign of Richard Gadd is Taurus.
A charismatic and popular comedian, Richard Gadd has appeared in a number of stand up and TV shows but mainly known as a creator of a Netflix series Baby Reindeer. He was born in 1990 in a small village in Scotland and spent his childhood in the north east of the country. His parents were both teachers and as a young child and teenager Richard loved to read a lot. Later on he studied drama and literature in Glasgow University, and then continued at Oxford School of Drama. His first steps as a stand up comedian were made in the mid 2010s in some festivals in Scotland, including a few famous festivals in Edinburgh. Later in the decade he gained popularity in the whole country and was nominated for a few really highly respected awards including the Edinburgh Comedy Award. In the early 2020s he collaborated with the team of a cult TV show Sex Education as a screenwriter, and in 2024 he came out as a creator of Baby Reindeer. The show is an example of a dark comedy and an example of what can be called deadpan humor. It premiered on Netflix in April 2024 and received quite high scores on Rotten Tomato website. Richard Gadd was recently involved in a scandal related to his stalker.