How old is Rafael Nadal?
Rafael Nadal was born on 3 June 1986.
Rafael Nadal is 38 years old.
How old is Rafael Nadal in days now?
Rafael Nadal is 38 years 9 months 28 days old.
Total 14,181 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rafael Nadal?
Rafael Nadal's next birthday is in 2 months 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Rafael Nadal?
Zodiac sign of Rafael Nadal is Gemini.
Rafael Nadal was born in Mallorca, Spain. From a very young age, he has played football and tennis. Soon, he decided to focus only on tennis. In 2004, he became a member of the Spanish National Team that won the Davis Cup. He won Roland Garros in 2005. Since then, he has won 16 Grand Slams, 2 Olympic gold medals and 4 Davis Cup with the National Team. Rafael Nadal is one of the most successful left handed player in the whole history of the sport. He is married, and famous as a philanthropist, as well as the author of his autobiographical book.