How old is Rachel Weisz?
Rachel Weisz was born on 7 March 1970.
Rachel Weisz is 55 years old.
How old is Rachel Weisz in days now?
Rachel Weisz is 55 years 23 days old.
Total 20,112 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rachel Weisz?
Rachel Weisz's next birthday is in 11 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Rachel Weisz?
Zodiac sign of Rachel Weisz is Pisces.
Rachel Weisz is a famous British and American actress of Jewish, Hungarian, and Austrian origins. She started her modeling career when she was only 14 years old. She attended Cambridge University and founded a large theater group there named Talking Tongues, which once received the first price at Edinburgh acting contest. She started receiving her first roles in 1993, but the movie Chain Reaction where Weisz starred together with Keanu Reeves, brought her some good fame. This success was followed by some great performances in the movies Stealing Beauty, The Land Girls, Beautiful Creatures, followed by really overwhelming success in the movie Mummy. Rachel Weisz played in more than 50 movies, including Denial, Constantine, The Constant Gardener, Agora, The Deep Blue Sea, and others. Weisz is married to Daniel Craig, and the couple has Rachel's child born in her previous marriage.