How old is Preppyclaws?

Preppyclaws was born on 24 December 2005.
Preppyclaws is 19 years old.

How old is Preppyclaws in days now?

Preppyclaws is 19 years 3 months 2 days old.
Total 7,032 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Preppyclaws?

Preppyclaws's next birthday is in 8 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Preppyclaws?

Zodiac sign of Preppyclaws is Capricorn.

A lovely young lady named Maya is a very talented dancer and the content maker behind the TikTok channel titled Preppyclaws. Born in Canada in 2004, she rose to fame for her absolutely outstanding video in which she dances in the outfit of a skeleton wearing a pink hat. Her channel go live in 2021, and the famous dance turned down to be one of the very first videos there. Thus, it started gaining viewers and followers literally right away. So far, her most viewed skeleton dance has received over 70 million views (as of Feb 2025), and her channel is followed by over 4.8 million people. In addition to that, there are a lot of other cool ideas that Maya has turned into great content to be shared on her channel. In particular, she is a great fan of Adele and often uses her music for her exercises in choreography. According to Maya, she was once considered to join auditions for Adele's back dancers. She usually involves her sister and her friends in making content for Preppyclaws, and her popularity has been increasing lately.

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