How old is Pierce Brosnan?
Pierce Brosnan was born on 16 May 1953.
Pierce Brosnan is 71 years old.
How old is Pierce Brosnan in days now?
Pierce Brosnan is 71 years 10 months 15 days old.
Total 26,252 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Pierce Brosnan?
Pierce Brosnan's next birthday is in 1 month 15 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Pierce Brosnan?
Zodiac sign of Pierce Brosnan is Taurus.
Pierce Bronsan is a charismatic actor known primarily for his amazing portrayal of James Bond. Born in 1953 in a small city on the east coat of Ireland, he was brought up mainly by his grandparents. During his teen ages Bronsan dreamed about becoming a painter and started learning illustration in college where he began attending drama classes and got seriously interested in acting. He demonstrated some great success and in 1975 began appearing on stages of local Irish theaters. Shortly after Bronsan started taking part in various TV projects inlcuing his first serious roles in TV series like Manions of America, Remington Steele and others. However, his cinema debut took place only about 5 years later, and his most popular early movies incnlude Nomands, The Lawnmover Man, Live Wire, Love Affair, etc. The period of the late 1990s and the 2000s was marked by the epic James Bond movies (Bronsan appeared in four of them), as well as such movies as Mars Attacks (with Jack Nicholson), The Mirror Has Two Faces (with Barbra Streisand and Jeff Bridges), Robinson Crusoe, Grey Owl, Laws of Attraction (with Julianne Moore), The Matador, and Mama Mia (with Meryl Streep). Such movies as The Ghost Writer, The November Man, Some Kind of Beautiful, Survivor (with Milla Jovovich), IT, and Black Adam can be named among the later works of Pierce Bronson. He was married twice, has 5 children and is considered to be one of the most successful Irish actors of all times.