How old is Peter Sellers?

Peter Sellers was born on 8 September 1925. Peter Sellers died on 24 July 1980 at the age of 54 years.

What was the exact age of Peter Sellers?

Peter Sellers's exact age was 54 years 10 months 16 days old. Peter Sellers lived for total 20,043 days.

What would be the age of Peter Sellers if alive?

Peter Sellers's exact age would be 99 years 6 months 20 days old if alive. Total 36,361 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Peter Sellers?

Zodiac sign of Peter Sellers is Virgo.

Peter Sellers (his real name is Richard Henry Sellers) is a prominent British actor and comedian. He was born in 1925 to a family of various actors. Thus, he was destined to become an actor and an entertainer, too. Since his early ages, he started demonstrating talents in parody and imitating other people. After finishing school he became a member of the Kings Theater. In the early 1950s Sellers began gaining national wide popularity as one of the creators of The Goons Show, and his cinema debut took place in 1952, in the movie Down Among the Z Men. His first worldwide success came to him with his brilliant performance in Kubrick's Lolita, and then - Pink Panther series, followed by such movies as The Millionairess (with Sophia Loren), Dr. Strangelove, Casino Royale, The Party, and Being There. He was a pro in satire and took part in plenty of comedy projects at BBC. Despite being a very busy and a very prolific actor, Peter Sellers had plenty of time for his private life. He was married 4 times. He was honored as the Member of the Order of the British Empire. Sellers passed away in 1980 after having a heart attack.

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