How old is Pele?
Pele was born on 23 October 1940. Pele died on 29 December 2022 at the age of 82 years.
What was the exact age of Pele?
Pele's exact age was 82 years 2 months 6 days old. Pele lived for total 30,017 days.
What would be the age of Pele if alive?
Pele's exact age would be 84 years 4 months 3 days old if alive. Total 30,807 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Pele?
Zodiac sign of Pele is Scorpio.
Considered by man to be the greatest soccer player of all times, Pele was a Brazilian soccer superstar who played as a forward of Brazilian National Team and Santos Football Club. Born Edson Arantes de Nascimento in 1940 in Brazil and grew up alongside his parents and his brother Zoca. The family was extremely poor and the young soccer star used to work in tea shops to help his mum and dad. Pele started playing soccer as a futsal player, but in his teen ages he figured that he was much faster and motivated to continue in soccer on the grass. His debut as a professional player took place in 1955 when he was 15 years old and began playing for Santos, and a year later he premiered as the national team player. Next year he became the youngest player to win the World Cup, and with the national team he won two more titles, in 1962 and in 1970. As a forward of Santos, he played for the team for 18 years and led it to winning a few continental cups, scored 569 goals and appeared in 583 matches. At the peak of his career, Pele was the most payed sportsperson in the world. In the mid 1970s he decided to continue his career in the USA and became a member of New York Cosmos team where he tried to popularize this kind of sports. In October 1977 he announced his retirement from soccer and of course he continued being the center of public attention for many decades since. He was an ambassador of soccer and promoted the ideas of playing this very simple game all around the globe. Pele passed away in 2022, after a short battle with an aggressive type of cancer...