How old is Paige Bueckers?
Paige Bueckers was born on 20 October 2001.
Paige Bueckers is 23 years old.
How old is Paige Bueckers in days now?
Paige Bueckers is 23 years 5 months 5 days old.
Total 8,557 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Paige Bueckers?
Paige Bueckers's next birthday is in 6 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Paige Bueckers?
Zodiac sign of Paige Bueckers is Libra.
Paige Bueckers is known as a college basketball player playing currently for the UConn Huskies (as of the late 2024). She was born in 2001 in Minnesota and spent her early years alongside her parents and 3 siblings in St. Louis Park where she started to play basketball at the age of 5. As a young child she didn't only play basketball but also baseball and soccer. She attended Hopkins High School and joined the college basketball team where she demonstrated some great success and received some national honors. In 2018 she played at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games for the US Women's National Team. So far she has received 3 gold medal with the youth team, including one for the national 3X3 team. Moreover, she was named as USA Basketball Female Athlete of 2019. In 2020 she joined the UConn Huskies and in the very first season led the team to the finals of the 2021 Finals which brought her many honors and awards again. Next year was shortened by a knee injury, and in the season of 2023-2024 Paige Bueckers returned to the court and again contributed in brilliant performance of her team leading it to the Final Four of the tournament. She is an avid Christian and has a small clinic helping young basketball players in Minnesota and Montana.