How old is Paddy Holland?

Paddy Holland was born on 6 December 2004.
Paddy Holland is 20 years old.

How old is Paddy Holland in days now?

Paddy Holland is 20 years 3 months 23 days old.
Total 7,418 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Paddy Holland?

Paddy Holland's next birthday is in 8 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Paddy Holland?

Zodiac sign of Paddy Holland is Sagittarius.

Paddy Holland is a talented young actor who is primarily known as a younger brother of Tim Holland, a star of Spider-Man movie. Paddy was born in 2004 in Britain, to the family of an actor and a famous photographer. His name is actually Patrick but he loves being called Paddy. He is one of the four sons of his parents. Paddy came into focus of talent scouts and famous movie makers when he attended some Marvel related galas and programs where his elder brother was taking place. The cinema debut of Paddie took place in 2015 when he took part in a short movie filming. In 2017 he appeared in a few TV series, and a year later he had a small role in a comedy movie Holmes&Watson where he played alongside Will Farrel. In 2021, Paddy Holland became a member of the cast for a TV series called Invasion where he has been portraying Monty Cuttermill.

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