How old is Owen Wilson?
Owen Wilson was born on 18 November 1968.
Owen Wilson is 56 years old.
How old is Owen Wilson in days now?
Owen Wilson is 56 years 4 months 12 days old.
Total 20,586 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Owen Wilson?
Owen Wilson's next birthday is in 7 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Owen Wilson?
Zodiac sign of Owen Wilson is Scorpio.
Owen Wilson is an American actor, director, and writer. He was born in 1968 in Dallas, to a family of Irish origin, and he has two brothers, who are also actors. During his years at the University of Texas, Wilson met Wes Anderson, who became his best friend and a successful movie director. Together, they wrote screenplays for the movies like The Bottle Rocket, Rushmore and others. Ben Stiller, an American actor and comic, became one more important person in Wilson's life, who shared filming area and director's room with him. Zoolander trilogy, Starsky and Hutch, Meet the Parents trilogy, Night at the Museum trilogy are among the movies where two actors starred side by side. In addition to that, notable works of Wilson include his performances in I Spy, Shanghai Knights, Wedding Crashers, You, Me, and Dupree, Marley and Me (with Jennifer Aniston), The Coup, No Escape and others. Owen Wilson has never been married but dated plenty of Hollywood actresses and models. He has 2 sons, born by two of his former girlfriends.