How old is Osama Marwah?
Osama Marwah was born on 10 December 1995.
Osama Marwah is 29 years old.
How old is Osama Marwah in days now?
Osama Marwah is 29 years 3 months 2 days old.
Total 10,685 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Osama Marwah?
Osama Marwah's next birthday is in 8 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Osama Marwah?
Zodiac sign of Osama Marwah is Sagittarius.
Osama Marwah is a charismatic YouTube star from Saudi Arabia who has managed to attract over 10 million followers to his personal channel (as of the early 2025) and has been sharing a lot of interesting content about his life. Born in 1995, he was raised alongside his younger brother Anas Marwah who is also a very popular YouTube star, as well as their two other brothers Muaaz and Yaman. The whole family is actually very active and known on various social media platforms, so very often family members appear on each other's videos. One of the most popular piece of content by Osama is the one where he is meeting with his father after not seeing him for a long time. Apart of YouTube, it is possible to find Ossy on Instagram (currently followed by 9 million people) and on TikTok (over 4 million followers). As a thriving and growing social media star, Osama Marwah loves traveling and exploring new things in life. In 2024, he got engaged to his long time girlfriend Sherin, a known beauty blogger.
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