How old is Omar Sharif?

Omar Sharif was born on 10 April 1932. Omar Sharif died on 10 July 2015 at the age of 83 years.

What was the exact age of Omar Sharif?

Omar Sharif's exact age was 83 years 3 months old. Omar Sharif lived for total 30,406 days.

What would be the age of Omar Sharif if alive?

Omar Sharif's exact age would be 92 years 11 months 18 days old if alive. Total 33,955 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Omar Sharif?

Zodiac sign of Omar Sharif is Aries.

Omar Sharif was an Egyptian actor who took part in plenty of cinema movies and was the owner of a small film-making company in Cairo. Born as Michel Dimitri Chalhoub in Alexandria, to an Egyptian Catholic family, the future actor grew up in Egypt and then studied arts in London. He started his career in his homecountry, where he took part in over 20 cinema projects. In 1954, while filming Struggle in the Valley, he met Faten Hamama, who became his only wife and the mother of his son, Tarek. For his wife, Omar Sharif converted to Islam. Omar Sharif is known for his roles in such movies as Lawrence of Arabia (with Anthony Quinn), More than a Miracle (with Sophia Loren), Funny Girl (with Barbara Streisand), Mayerling (with Catherine Deneuve), and Doctor Zhivago. The actor could speak English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and French freely, and he was successful in portraying European characters. He has 3 Golden Globe Awards. Omar Sharif died of a heart attack in 2015, in one of the hospitals in Cairo, at the age of 83.

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