How old is Olivia Wilde?
Olivia Wilde was born on 10 March 1984.
Olivia Wilde is 41 years old.
How old is Olivia Wilde in days now?
Olivia Wilde is 41 years 18 days old.
Total 14,993 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Olivia Wilde?
Olivia Wilde's next birthday is in 11 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Olivia Wilde?
Zodiac sign of Olivia Wilde is Pisces.
Olivia Wild (Olivia Jane Cockburn) is an American actress, producer, model, and social activist of Irish origin, born in 1984. She spent her childhood in New York, in the family of a journalist and a TV producer. Her grandparents were quite famous Irish writers of detective stories. Since her early childhood, Olivia wanted to be an actress. She studied in primary and secondary schools in the US, and then her family moved to Ireland, where Olivia finished one of the best acting schools in the UK, Gaiety School of Acting. Since 2004 she has been starring in various popular TV series, including The Black Donnellys, The OC, and House. She has played in over 30 movies, including Rush, Drinking Buddies, Her, Cowboys and Dogs, Unity, The Lazarus Effect, etc. Olivia Wild has two children with her former partner, a famous comedian Jason Sudeikis. In the mid 2023, she released one more movie as a director. In the early 2025 she started to date Dane DiLiegro, an actor.