How old is Olivia Rodrigo?

Olivia Rodrigo was born on 20 February 2003.
Olivia Rodrigo is 21 years old.

How old is Olivia Rodrigo in days now?

Olivia Rodrigo is 21 years 3 months old.
Total 7,760 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Olivia Rodrigo?

Olivia Rodrigo's next birthday is in 9 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Olivia Rodrigo?

Zodiac sign of Olivia Rodrigo is Pisces.

Olivia Rodrigo is a young talented American actress who became famous for her role in Disney show Bizaardwark and Grace Stirs Up Success TV film. Born in 2003 in California, Olivia showed talents in acting and music since her early ages. She grew up just like most of her peers, loving social networks and various outdoor activities. Her acting debut took place when she was only 13 years old, in Grace Stirs Up Success where Grace portrayed an American girl learning about French cuisine. Next year she played one of the lead roles in Bizaardwark show. Olivia Rodrigo loves music and writes her songs. She has been dating Ethan Wacker, a TV actor. In the early 2020s she started trying herself as a singer and a songwriter. Her song "Driver's License" received excellent critics. In 2022 she won a Grammy Award as the best young artist of the year.

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