How old is Oli London?

Oli London was born on 14 January 1990.
Oli London is 35 years old.

How old is Oli London in days now?

Oli London is 35 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 12,855 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Oli London?

Oli London's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Oli London?

Zodiac sign of Oli London is Capricorn.

A creative, talented and lovely Instagram star, Oli London is also known as a singer and an avid promoter of South Korean culture. They are also known as one of the first trans-racial people. Born in 1990 in London, Oli grew up and studied in the UK. However, they have been extremely interested in culture and life in South Korea and in 2013 they went to South Korea to teach English and get in touch with the local culture. In the mid 2010s London came back and decided to reside in the US, as well as begin the procedure of transmitting from Caucasian to Asian race. They underwent a number of surgeries and various cosmetic procedures. After their transition had come to an end, they decided to open social media accounts and tell the world about his miraculous change. They have also appeared in a great number of popular TV shows like The Today Show, Dr. Phil, Daily Mail TV Show, TMZ, and many others. In the late 2010s Oli London decided to try themselves as a singer and recorded a number of hits like "Perfection", "Heart of Korea", "Koreaboo", "Plastic Is Fantastic", etc. He is a huge fan of Jimin, a singer from BTS.

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