How old is Octavio Ocana?
Octavio Ocana was born on 7 November 1998. Octavio Ocana died on 29 October 2021 at the age of 22 years.
What was the exact age of Octavio Ocana?
Octavio Ocana's exact age was 22 years 11 months 22 days old. Octavio Ocana lived for total 8,392 days.
What would be the age of Octavio Ocana if alive?
Octavio Ocana's exact age would be 26 years 3 months 15 days old if alive. Total 9,604 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Octavio Ocana?
Zodiac sign of Octavio Ocana is Scorpio.
Octavio Ocana was a young Mexican actor who is remembered by many fans of Mexican TV series by his role of Benito in an epic TV series Vecinos. He was born in1998 in Mexico, in the state of Tabasco, he grew up in the city of Pachuca, alongside his family. As a child, he was a very cute little boy and was noticed by acting scouts, so when Octavio was 8 he was invited to join the cast of Vecinos and portray one of the main characters, Benito Rios. As a child, Ocana participated in shooting a number of TV movies and TV programs for children, and he continued appearing in Vecinos for 16 years. So sadly, in October 2021 Ocavio Ocana lost his life as a result of an accident on the road which was for quite a long time under investigation. Octavio was only 22 years old....