How old is Nicholas Hoult?

Nicholas Hoult was born on 7 December 1989.
Nicholas Hoult is 35 years old.

How old is Nicholas Hoult in days now?

Nicholas Hoult is 35 years 3 months 22 days old.
Total 12,896 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nicholas Hoult?

Nicholas Hoult's next birthday is in 8 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nicholas Hoult?

Zodiac sign of Nicholas Hoult is Sagittarius.

Nicholas Hoult is a British actor who takes part in both British and American cinema projects and became famous for his roles in X Men movie series. Holt was born in 1989 in Wokingham and he has always been enjoying acting. He began appearing on stage as a child and in 1996 he managed to obtain a small role in "Intimate Relationships" which was followed by a number of similar kind of roles in the movies like Chris (with Hugh Grant), Wah Wah, and a comedy About a Boy, which brought him a few award nominations. In the mid-2000s he played in the movie Weather Man (with Nick Cage) and a TV drama Skins where he played the lead role. Nick's performance was an amazing success and it opened the doors for him to a large number of new projects like Clash of the Titans, A Single Man (with Julianne Moore), and finally X-Men. Among the latest noteworthy roles of Hoult the ones like in Mad Max: the Fury Road (opposite Charlize Theron), Collide (with Felicity Jones), Rebel in the Rye, The Current War (with Benedict Cumberbatch), Newness, and others. Nicholas Hoult is a huge fan of basketball and car racing. He used to date Jennifer Lawrence but currently, he is in the relationship with Bryana Holly, a model. The couple has got a son.

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