How old is Neil Patrick Harris?

Neil Patrick Harris was born on 15 June 1973.
Neil Patrick Harris is 51 years old.

How old is Neil Patrick Harris in days now?

Neil Patrick Harris is 51 years 8 months 20 days old.
Total 18,893 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Neil Patrick Harris?

Neil Patrick Harris's next birthday is in 3 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Neil Patrick Harris?

Zodiac sign of Neil Patrick Harris is Gemini.

Neil Patrick Harris is a cult actor, comedian, producer, singer, and a TV personality known for his roles in such TV series as How I Met Your Mother and a few others. Born in 1973 in Mew Mexico, he spent his childhood in the city of Ruidoso, alongside his parents and brother. Neil was a good student and has loved acting since his childhood, so he began appearing in serious professional acting projects as a young teenager. His first cinema role was alongside Whoopi Goldberg in a movie called Clara's Heart. It was followed by a few roles in various TV series and in 1989 Harris began appearing in Doogie Hower M.D. Other famous roles of his include the ones in TV series Capitol Critters, Stark Raving Mad, Spider-Man: A New Animated Series, Robot Chicken, The Penguins of Madagascar, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Genious Junior, and, of course, How I Met Your Mother. So far, he appeared in over 90 TV projects including many TV films and TV shows as a host. In cinema, Neil Patrick Harris can be see in such movies as Harold & Kumar movie series, Batman: Under the Red Hood, A Million Ways To Die In the West (alongside Charlize Theron, Seth MacFarlain and Liam Neeson), Gone Girl, Dads, etc. He is known as a philanthropist and a successful theater actor who can often be seen on stages of various American theaters.

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