How old is Naya Rivera?

Naya Rivera was born on 12 January 1987. Naya Rivera died on 8 July 2020 at the age of 33 years.

What was the exact age of Naya Rivera?

Naya Rivera's exact age was 33 years 5 months 26 days old. Naya Rivera lived for total 12,231 days.

What would be the age of Naya Rivera if alive?

Naya Rivera's exact age would be 38 years 2 months 18 days old if alive. Total 13,957 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Naya Rivera?

Zodiac sign of Naya Rivera is Capricorn.

Naya Rivera was a talented actress and singer known for her singles as a few roles in some popular TV series like Glee. Born in 1987 in California, she was raised by the parents of Spanish, African American and Puerto Rican origins. The family was large and Naya was the oldest of the children. As a child she was noticed by local talent scouts and invited to take part in filming various commercials and ads. When Rivera was 4 years old she was offered to play one of the main roles in the TV series The Royal Family and this role brought a lot of fame and recognition. As a teenager, Naya appeared in some other projects, and at the end of the 2000s she became a part of a great TV series Glee where she portrayed one of the lead characters and which brought the young actress plenty of serious awards including the Grammy. During that early 2010s she recorded her first singles and also took part in other projects like At the Devil's Door, Mad Family, Devious Maids, Step Up: High Water, etc. She used to get involved in plenty of charity and social support related projects. Sadly, in summer 2020 Naya Rivera drowned in a lake in California while swimming with her little son. She was only 33 years old...

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