How old is Morgan Freeman?
Morgan Freeman was born on 1 June 1937.
Morgan Freeman is 87 years old.
How old is Morgan Freeman in days now?
Morgan Freeman is 87 years 9 months 8 days old.
Total 32,058 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Morgan Freeman?
Morgan Freeman's next birthday is in 2 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Morgan Freeman?
Zodiac sign of Morgan Freeman is Gemini.
Morgan Freeman is a charismatic and successful American actor, filmmaker and producer. He was born in 1937 in Memphis, in a poor family, and spent his childhood changing homes almost every year. Morgan started demonstrating his acting talent in his primary school times, and his stage debut took place when he was 8: he appeared on the stage of the school theater. At the age of 12, he started to take part in various radio shows, and after finishing high school he decided to join the USAF instead of studying drama in university. At the beginning of the 1960s, he moved to LA and started working as an official in one of the local community colleges. He attended a small local acting course, worked in a small city theater Pasadena House, and occasionally participated in various dancing programs in San Francisco. In 1966 he debuted on Broadway stage and started playing small roles in Hollywood movies. In1968 he took part in a Broadway musical Hello Dolly, where all the roles were played by black actors. He became famous to the general public at the beginning of the 1970s after his role in TV series "The Electric Company", but his serious cinema debut started taking place in the early 1980s when Freeman started receiving roles in the movies of the world's famous directors. Eyewitness, Street-Smart, Glory, Driving Miss Daisy, Bruce Almighty, The Sum of All Fears, Million Dollar Baby, Wanted and Invictus are among the most famous movies of Morgan Freeman. He is an Academy Award winner. He is a social, religious, and political activist, he is interested in music and beekeeping. He was married twice and has 4 children.